ART.2018.01. |
Six books have been assembled in the readymade 'Untitled (Wanderer above the Sea of Fog)', all with the same painting as cover illustration. Independent of each other, the publisher has chosen to use this classic by Caspar David Friedrich from 1817 as a front. This icon of the Romantic movement is combined with various titles; from 'Frankenstein' to 'Thus spoke Zarathustra', from 'Looking at Mindfulness' to 'A companion to Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain', from story bundle to biography. To what extent these books fit in with 'the spirit of Romanticism’ let alone Caspar David Friedrich's amazement about the manifestation of nature, specifically his individual experience of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, is the question. Although the power of this masterpiece seems ultimately proven by the ease with which every appropriation of the image is averted. Despite the unique depiction being presented in a Warholesque manner as a repetitive series. EXHIBITION VIEW: Popinnart, Amsterdam, 01.07-31.10.2018