ART.2005.06. |
This with 3d-software designed work has like the other works consumerism as its subject matter, the already mentioned 'passiveness' returns in this work again, now in the form of the tray. The tray as the representation of the fact that everything is being offered; everything is being thought out and designed for you. Because the tray coincides exactly with the artwork the following two interpretation possibilities arise. First of all you can see it this way, the tray as a symbol of the artist serving the artviewer, this can be interpreted as well in a positive as in a negative way. Besides this, the chosen perpendicular view point causes a so called trompe l'oeil, a 'deceiving of the eyes'. A friction occurs between the object and its representation. Which goes further then just the presented object, it's an illusion of the used technique also. For an important characteristics of 3d-software is its possibility of photorealistic representation, so the 3d-technique not only simulates the presence of an object but it simulates the photographic technique as well. A 'simulacrum' pur sang, which in the to a large extend on fiction based world of marketing is a logic element. __________________________________________________________________